Before I talk about NeuroPace, I will tell you a bit about epilepsy:
For those of you familiar with a heart attack, epilepsy is brought on very similarly.
Epilepsy is caused by disruption of electrical signals along neurons within the brain, whether it be too many signals at once, or an actual blockage of the signal.
In the same way a heart attack is brought on by the blockage of coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood.
In the same way a heart attack is brought on by the blockage of coronary arteries that supply the heart with blood.
There are many types of seizures, ranging from simple focal seizures, complex focal seizures to generalised seizures - all with their own sub-categories describing position in the brain.
Symptoms vary massively between categories and their sub-categories, because the brain controls everything, epilepsy can affect anything we can control. Not just muscle seizures, people can appear vacant,there are awake and nocturnal seizures and people can even just seem confused, strange smells, a feeling of the stomach rising, the list goes on.
Epilepsy can be brought on by a variety of conditions, including the well known flashing lights. Sleep, stress, alcohol, varying from person to person.
Epilepsy fits can kill, however this is very rare. It's very probable that people are killed as a result of a seizure e.g falling over fatally.
Epilepsy can be brought on by a variety of conditions, including the well known flashing lights. Sleep, stress, alcohol, varying from person to person.
Epilepsy fits can kill, however this is very rare. It's very probable that people are killed as a result of a seizure e.g falling over fatally.
The difference in electrical signals during an epileptic fit, the arrow points to an area where the signal is disrupted. |
Although very complex in the way they vary, this is the very, very basic premise. (if you are more knowledgeable about epilepsy, please, ignore me/correct me/shout at your screen)
Although unlikely to kill you, you probably understand an epileptic fit would be very unpleasant, needless to say living in fear of a fit would be horrific. No longer!
Basically, NeuroPace inhibits attacks before they happen. It is attached to the brain and is able to sense abnormal electrical activity, it then sends foe signals into the brain before the sufferer experiences symptoms.
The criteria necessary for NeuroPace:
It is estimated that 400, 000 in America alone people fit the criteria necessary for NeuroPace to be effective.
3 clinical trials have been carried out with multiple methods for reliability e.g double blind (where both researcher and patient don't know who has the placebo and who has the actual device).
Resulting in 55% of subjects experiences 50% or greater, reduction in seizures (for those who reached a two year posting).
Needless to say, the applications of this new "brain pacemaker" are massive.
A NeuroPace device which is implanted into the brain. |
Although unlikely to kill you, you probably understand an epileptic fit would be very unpleasant, needless to say living in fear of a fit would be horrific. No longer!
Basically, NeuroPace inhibits attacks before they happen. It is attached to the brain and is able to sense abnormal electrical activity, it then sends foe signals into the brain before the sufferer experiences symptoms.
The criteria necessary for NeuroPace:
- 18+ years old.
- Currently have frequently disabling seizures.
- (Safety and effectiveness with) Average 3 or more disabling seizures a month, over 3 recent months.
It is estimated that 400, 000 in America alone people fit the criteria necessary for NeuroPace to be effective.
3 clinical trials have been carried out with multiple methods for reliability e.g double blind (where both researcher and patient don't know who has the placebo and who has the actual device).
Resulting in 55% of subjects experiences 50% or greater, reduction in seizures (for those who reached a two year posting).
Needless to say, the applications of this new "brain pacemaker" are massive.
"We badly need new, effective therapies for hundreds of thousands of people in this country as well as millions around the world who live with uncontrolled seizures" - William Lammert, Chairman of the epilepsy foundation.If you wish to find out more about NeuroPace in detail visit:
As this is my first post I wanted to gage how much detail was necessary, hopefully you comment on any improvements you think I could make.